Concerns regarding flooding raised by the People For Packsaddle Committee

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Below is a copy and paste of a recent submission made to Somerset Council, regarding our concerns about the Flood Risk Assessment undertaken as part of the planning application.

“I am writing on behalf of the People for Packsaddle (PfP) Community Group who are very concerned that the proposed LiveWest development will increase the already present risk of flooding.

As the Flood Risk assessment states, this limestone escarpment has low porosity before adding to the problem with many acres of houses, driveways, roads, pavements etc.

We consulted a highly experienced wastewater and environmental engineer (who often acts as an “expert witness”) for an opinion on the Flood Risk Assessment.

His assessment supports our concerns that the issue is being understated in the planning application.

Our primary concerns are as follows:

  • The independent expert has reviewed all of the available information and concludes the standard rainfall figures used do not sufficiently take into account climate change and up-to-date rainfall events. While not illegal, the standard figures you are using are widely recognised within the industry to be inadequate. Our expert cited examples both locally and nationally where their assumptions on rainfall have been greatly exceeded.
  • The calculations have been for the impermeable areas being added (houses, roads etc) and do not include the remaining area already deemed to have low porosity in an area of impermeable limestone. Only part of the problem is therefore being presented whereas in fact the issues cover a much larger area and any calculations should be based on that.
  • The plans direct flood water “away from the site”  is an acknowledgment there will be flood water that must run down the surrounding roads.
  • The River Frome is the only place for it to go but there is no connection between the site and the river because it would cross private land. The Lead Local Flood Authority (LLSC) acknowledge they have not pursued this, but they need to.
  • The River Frome is not able to take more flood water without it affecting surrounding communities (note – we submitted videos of the Jan / Feb 2024 floods to illustrate this point).
  • The independent expert believes the Flood Risk Assessment to be misleading and inadequate, as do we.

We have raised specific concerns but were informed that there is “no capacity to directly respond to public comments” and this stopped us fully highlighting and investigating the risk.

We understand that a lack of capacity may be an problem but we believe this is a fundamental issue and needs further investigation before it is too late.

We therefore request our concerns are considered alongside what we believe to be the wholly inadequate Flood Risk Assessment, sponsored by the Developer, that should not have been accepted by the Lead Local Flood Authority.”

This concern has been added to the planning portal and also shared with our neighbours in Beckington and Selwood Parish Council.

The image here is of the River Frome flooding in Spring Gardens, January 2024.