‘Into the Wild’ family fun fundraiser taking place at Packsaddle Play Area

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The People for Packsaddle group and the Packsaddle Community Group are hosting a family fun fundraiser on Saturday 12th October. The event, called ‘Into The Wild’, takes place between 2pm and 5pm at the Packsaddle Play Area (Pedlars Grove, BA11 2SX) and all are welcome to come along. 

People for Packsaddle is a local community action group whose aim is to protect Packsaddle Community fields for current and future generations. This involves stopping the current proposed development on the fields, enabling the land to be designated as a permanent, green, community space. Packsaddle Community Fields are a beautiful, nature rich, communal space, visited daily by local residents, which is also frequented by notable and protected species including greater horseshoe bats, hedgehogs and barn owls. They are a registered Green Space and an Asset of Community Value.

The fundraising afternoon is the next in a series of successful events the group has organised over recent months. ‘Into The Wild’ will feature a number of fun family friendly activities including face painting and arts and crafts (for example, making bird feeders, mobiles, tree bark rubbing.) There is the chance to explore the local area through a series of walks, designed for all ages and abilities.  Along the way there will be the opportunity to take part in a scavenger hunt, geocaching, tree identification (led by local tree expert Julian Hight) and learning about nature (led by Alex Hart from Shared Earth Learning). The guided walks of various lengths will start at 2.15pm. Tea, coffee and cake will also be available at the event. The whole afternoon is free to attend, although donations towards the activities and refreshments will be gratefully received. 

Toby Culff from the People For Packsaddle Committee said, “We’ve held some really successful fundraising events, from bingo to quiz nights to coffee mornings, and we are enormously grateful to a small group of volunteers who have now organised ‘Into The Wild’. We’d love to welcome people from all over Frome and beyond to the afternoon, so we can share with them the many reasons Packsaddle Fields are treasured by so many people.”

“Fundraisers like this are vital for us, as our campaign to protect the fields is being supported by expert legal advice. We want the current planning application to be overturned so we can bring the fields into community ownership, benefitting wildlife, enhancing biodiversity and continuing to provide local people with an essential connection to nature. Our three priorities of Climate, Conservation and Community would also help Somerset Council meet targets it has set itself in each of these areas, both as part of the Climate Emergency that was declared by the Council in 2019, as well as its health related and well-being strategies. Come along to enjoy a great afternoon out, as well as discovering hidden parts of Frome you may never have seen!”