November 2023 – latest update

Packsaddle Fields

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Fundraising update

Whilst we’ve been a little quiet on the messaging front, we’ve been busy behind the scenes. We believe the planning application for the proposed housing development on Packsaddle Fields is going to be heard by Somerset Council’s planning committee in the early part of 2024.

This is the final push and we desperately need more money as soon as possible to pay our specialist lawyer’s fees to prepare for the planning hearing. Having the best legal support will make all the difference to our chances of success. 

You’ve all been incredibly generous and we’ve raised around £5,000 to date – from donations, the quizzes, coffee mornings, sponsored runs and a great deal of community spirit. However, this has all been spent to get us this far. Rest assured it was money well spent, as we successfully achieved Asset of Community Value status and put in a robust, detailed and legally backed opposition to the planning application.

But to cover our legal fees to prepare for the forthcoming planning hearing, we need to raise another £7,000. It’s a big ask, we know, but if we can secure the fields as a community space for generations to come, it will be a small price to pay.

So please, if you are able to dig deep and make a further donation, it will massively help. Please also share this fundraiser with anyone you know who enjoys the fields or who cares about preserving green space for local communities. Every penny counts.

You can donate via our GoFundMe page or directly into our bank account:

Account name: People For Packsaddle

Bank: Bank of Scotland

Sort code: 80-22-60

Account number: 24205069

Thank you so very much for your ongoing support.

The People for Packsaddle Team