A Brighter Future for Packsaddle Community Fields

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We are proud to share with you the news that the People For Packsaddle Brighter Future document; an alternative, optimistic vision for Packsaddle Community Fields, has been published.

You’ll hopefully recall that we began a consultation process several months ago, which many of you took part in, with the aim of building a credible, creative, compelling concept for our magnificent fields, founded on PfP’s three core priorities: Climate, Conservation and Community.

Following that process, we took the many inspiring ideas from our community to an expert ecological consultancy – First Ecology – to refine and qualify our vision. Their ‘Bidoversity Enhnancement Strategy’ provided the basis for the our Brighter Future document, which will be presented this month to Councillors from Frome Town Council and Somerset Council.

We think it’s a winner, and we hope you do, too!

As you know, we recently made an official offer to buy Packsaddle Community Fields, to bring them into permanent community ownership. We will be asking Councillors to support our positive vision for the future of this much-loved Green Space and Asset of Community Value, and we hope you’ll get behind us.

We would like to express our special thanks to Amy Yates and Robin Jones, who’s beautiful illustrations really bring the community’s ideas to life, and to Sean Porter for his exceptional design skills and patience.

We’ve often been told to ‘give up’, to ‘accept the inevitable’, to ‘let go’. As long as we have the community’s support, we’ll do no such thing. What we’ve set out in this document is realistic, deliverable, sustainable, and it will show Councillors what could be achieved with courage and imagination, and with the engagement of this incredible community.